Limited Time Only $497

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You Are Worthy - Launch Special!


Discover your value by how God sees you, and learn to love yourself through HIS eyes so you finally have the courage to become who you were meant to be...READ ON!

When you enroll in You Are Worthy Online Course...

You'll get : 

👍 You Are Worthy Course with 12 lessons (that's over 7 hours of training) where you'll 

▪ Discover your value
▪ Learn to love yourself 
▪ And finally know you matter
 (A $1997 Value)

💖 A Bonus Course "The Divine Solution" to help you through any emotional pain by showing you how to pull life's slivers out of your heart so you can finally heal. (A $497 value)

🎧 MP3 to listen to the "You Are Worthy" Course anytime, anywhere (A $97 Value)

🤝 Loving Community - Membership into a private Facebook group. You have to do it for yourself, but you can't do it by yourself. YOU HAVE US to support you on your growth journey! (Priceless)

A total $2591 value

Enrollment Special $297 for a limited time


What People Are Saying:

My goodness Katherine, this course is teaching me a lot about myself I didn't even know before... I never thought I would need this as much as I do, you have a connection with God that is so contagious that from just these two lessons alone I'm already changing the way I feel about myself. Thank you for allowing God to work through you and create this course, it's going to be a life changer. I know this because it's already starting to change mine. I already know God, but I'm feeling a deeper connection with Him because of this...I am seeing myself the way God sees me and those harsh names have been erased now, instead of worthless trash, I hear worthy masterpiece.

Angela Byrne

Oh, wow, Katherine this had me in healing tears... I felt your deep words. They took me back during the times when I cried rivers of tears and yelled at how things were not going my way and just how worthless I was...I love how you mentioned God wants us to continue writing our story. That part empowered my heart...I'm going to carry forward in turning these difficult moments around into positive speak. Thank you Katherine.

Mona Kasaus

At age 12/13 I was comparing myself to other girls and feeling the need to change my body. At 14/15 I was putting photos of thin models up on my wall and would call it "thinspiration" and started to take away the foods I enjoyed from my diet. At 16, the eating disorder behaviors started. At 17, I was fully diagnosed with anorexia with bulimia tendencies, and in treatment twice with health complications. Treatments were unsuccessful. This lesson made me emotional...also reminded me of why I choose recovery. As hard as it is. Perfection just isn't sustainable, and deep down I know that. Trying to reach it is almost paralyzing. Thanks for being authentic and setting a good example, especially for the younger generation! I only wish I had that growing up.

Brittany Nelson

This was so powerful! This really touched me. First the acting was so good! Second, it hit a chord with my soul because I remember growing up HATING my reflection. I would cry just like this video and say "I'm so ugly I wish I were dead!"...Wow! Such a great ending...I can't wait to see how many people will be encouraged, transformed and hearts healed by what God will do through this course. Truly a blessing!

Jasmine Cowan

I just really can't say enough good things about this course. When you make us laugh it is healing. I feel that I have actually loved others better than myself and through this wonderful transforming course, I can honestly say that I can look in the mirror and like what I see even though I am now a senior citizen and I could never say that before. I have peace with my 'earth suit' and finally understand it is not who I really am. Katherine's videos go so far beyond a "pep talk." I find the Holy Spirit deeply searching my heart for areas of damage that I've carried my whole life that I feel myself being set free from through Katherine's videos. So much Godly wisdom jam-packed in this course. These videos are so enlightening and so needed. I am so blessed to be able to be part of it.

Nana Stirt